customer + supply chain assessment

$500 (+ tax)

A focused and practical assessment of options and risks under key contracts in response to COVID-19 is­­sues.


  • We conduct a brief interview to understand your specific concerns and circumstances. 

  • We review up to 10 of your key contracts and provide you tailored advice relating to risks associated with you or your customers/ suppliers failing to meet obligations under the contract while operations are suspended or altered due to COVID-19. 

  • The report will identify relevant contract terms, outline potential liabilities and damages could result from failure to pay or supply, and set out our recommendations on how to mitigate your risk and plan for the future


Process Commitments + Milestones

Within 1 business day of registration:

We send you a questionnaire asking for information about who you are and your current circumstances. We use this information to conduct a conflict check to make sure that we can assist you.


Within 1 business day of completing the questionnaire:

You receive an email with an engagement and KYC letter (by DocuSign), a Workshare link and directions on how to upload your documents for our review, our payment link, and a link to schedule a 15 minute introductory call with your lawyer to discuss your current circumstances.


Within 3 business days of the introductory call:

You receive your final deliverable for this product: a full report of our review of your customer and supplier agreements in light of COVID-19, and a link to schedule a 15 minute follow-up call with your lawyer to answer any questions and discuss next steps.