people > product

We're trying very hard to develop products that are accessible, affordable, relevant and helpful.  But we recognize the importance of real human connection.  Our products have been designed by real humans that believe in what we are trying to accomplish at MT Access.   Here are their stories.


Rob Miller

I believe that entrepreneurs and small businesses are the glue that holds our communities together, and I’m grateful to be able to do my bit to support them in their time of need.   If we say things like “we care” or “we give a shit” in good times, or talk big games about the need for accessible legal services when the economy is humming, we’d better step up and show that we mean it when the going isn’t easy.  This is our opportunity to step outside of our comfort zones, show we care and innovate legal services in a meaningful way.  That’s what MT Access is about for me - being helpful, stretching ourselves and being authentic.  


Connor Levy

In speaking with family and friends these past weeks, it quickly became clear that there is an entire cross-section of small businesses that need rapid access to employment advice to help them navigate these circumstances. However, the typically high cost and slow turnaround time of legal services remains a barrier. We want to be difference makers, and by offering this employment package at a fixed rate, we hope to be able to provide businesses with the timely advice they need while offering cost certainty. Easy access to an experienced lawyer who can provide tailored employment advice — that’s what this package is all about.


Lou Poskitt

In my previous life, I worked in kitchens throughout BC. Over that time, I developed close relationships with many chefs, suppliers, and front of house rock stars. Many of my food and beverage family have gone on to open incredible bars, restaurants, breweries and other small businesses. I know how much heart and soul these entrepreneurs have poured into these businesses and I couldn’t be more grateful to have the skills and platform to try to help entrepreneurs and small businesses navigate these trying times.


David Allardice

I believe that life and business is not a zero sum game, and that we all do better when we support each other, in both good times and bad.  For me, MT Access is about helping to shoulder the burden during the tough times, so that we and our clients thrive in the good times that are coming.


Joelle Walker

As someone who grew up in a small town in Northern BC and the daughter of a small business owner, I’ve seen first-hand the positive impact local businesses have on a community. The current circumstances create a significant risk to these local businesses and entrepreneurs and the “from the ground up” opportunities they offer — I want to do my part to help navigate those risks so they can emerge from this stronger than before.


Tyson Lamarsh

The true test of an organization is how it responds when times are tough. For us, that has meant continuing to think creatively about how we can better serve our clients and the broader community. We know that people and businesses are struggling to adapt to a new normal and that affordable and reliable advice can be difficult to find. That’s what MT Access is all about — providing affordable advice to help people and business navigate through this transition. We look forward to helping you however we can.


Navnit Duhra

In these difficult times, the last thing anyone should have to worry about is how they will afford the legal advice they need to make the best decisions for their business.  By providing affordable and practical advice to my clients, I hope to alleviate some of the stress they’re dealing with.  After all, we’re in this together, and it is by sticking together that we’ll get through it.


Dan Fogarty

For more than a decade, my work has been focused on providing high-quality service to entrepreneurs and businesses, first as a tax advisor and now as a business lawyer at MT+Co. Professional services are vital for any business no matter the economic climate, but are especially critical when navigating the uncertainty we currently face. MT Access removes the barriers that so often inhibit folks from obtaining the legal products they need at a time when they need them the most.


Emily Savage

I believe that MT Access is a game changer. We understand that clients are looking for timely legal advice and cost certainty to overcome the immense challenges facing them right now. I am proud that our firm has continuously adapted to challenge the status quo — and that we are offering these unique products to support our clients and their businesses when they need it most.


Peter Eirikson

The need for accessible legal advice in the business law context is something that often gets overlooked. But the reality is that it’s vital for the functioning of small and medium-sized businesses (and the people that rely on them for paycheques) that they can receive good, cost-effective legal advice. This is especially important now, as many small and medium-sized businesses in our communities have been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. Developing MT Access products has been an important way for me to help businesses and people in my community as we confront the economic effects of that crisis.


Serin Remedios

MT Access is about stepping up in hard times and supporting those around us.  Growing up with a mom who was a small business owner, I know how tough it can be.  And now, more than ever, small businesses and all of the people involved in those businesses are faced with uncertainty.  As lawyers, we aren’t on the front lines, but offering accessible legal services is a small yet tangible measure that we can take to help.


Steve Pederson

I want my work to matter to people who have a lot on their plates. Supplying bite-sized legal services with clear, up-front pricing and timelines is something that can make a difference for entrepreneurs trying to make the most of their days. Pairing this service delivery model with customized technology solutions can bring our high-quality legal services to a broader audience — and that is something I really want to see.   


Silvia Naidu

I’m very excited about this opportunity that MT+Co. has to reach out and help in an impactful way. Times are tough, but this initiative provides a way to help people continue their work at affordable prices. As a Project Manager at MT+Co., I am proud to support this cause and stand behind the work done here. I look forward to assisting our future clients in their endeavours.
