why this?

why now?


why now?

because help is needed now


Even though we aren't heroes like healthcare and frontline workers, legal professionals are fortunate to have the ability to make a positive impact on the people and organizations who need support right now.  Our entrepreneurial and business communities have been hard-hit by the impacts of COVID-19 and the recession, and we have access to the knowledge and tools to help.   

Traditionally law firms have held this knowledge and these tools closely.  But now is the time for these traditions to change and for our profession to stretch in ways we haven't before.  Now is the time for lawyers to drop the billable hour and look for ways to help the people and organizations that support us in good times.  Now is the time for us to stick our necks out, take some risks, remind ourselves of our professional obligation to serve, and try something new that is intended to help.  It can't wait because next week or next month might be too late for the restaurant down the street or the plant across town.  

Simply put, the entrepreneurial and business community needs access to practical and affordable legal advice to help face the unprecedented uncertainty in front of us.  We want to play a part in helping make sure we all get through this — and we will get through it — together and stronger than ever.

That is why now.


why this?

living our values in difficult times


Miller Titerle + Company has proudly been a values-based organization for over a decade.  The true measure of an organization isn't how they talk about their values in good times — it's about how they live them in difficult ones.  

When the health and economic impacts of COVID started to emerge, our people came together and challenged ourselves to live our values more authentically than we ever have.  Part of this means ensuring that we are doing our part to support people and organizations in our communities that are feeling the impact of COVID the most.

We understand that we aren't heroes like our healthcare and frontline workers who are putting themselves at risk to keep the rest of us safe.  But we are part of a profession with a proud history of public service, and we want to do what we can as an organization to make a positive impact on others.  The way we have decided to do this is MT Access — a division of our firm focused on supporting entrepreneurs and small businesses hardest hit by the current downturn with accessible and affordable (and in some cases, free) legal products that are specifically tailored to get businesses and entrepreneurs the advice and support they need right now.  We have your backs.

Here’s how MT Access reflects some of MT+Co’s core values.


Look out for others.

This is the sum of all of our values.  It's more than "we care" — it means we actively look out for each other and our communities.  MT Access is about us looking out for the entrepreneurs and small businesses that support us, feed our families and make our lives better.  The best way we can do this right now is making sure that tailored and relevant legal products are accessible and affordable to entrepreneurs and organizations that are struggling to make ends meet.


Be bold.

MT+Co. is not afraid to stand out, have strong opinions, and make them known. We speak directly about difficult issues, both to ourselves and to our clients. We look critically at our own business and boldly go where no firm has gone before.  MT Access is our way of stepping up, sticking our necks out, and boldly trying something new in order to best live our values and support our communities.  

Evolve and continuously improve.

Over the last 10 years, MT+Co. has pushed the legal industry to do better — whether it's on corporate values, our value guarantee, more modern ownership structures (we're a modern corporation, not an "old-law" partnership) or innovation.  MT Access is about the evolution of our industry — pushing ourselves to move into the modern era by advancing our processes to deliver relevant and clearly scoped projects at an affordable (and in some cases free) price.  There are no billable hours here — just a clear value proposition with crystal clarity on what you're paying.

Be authentic.

Being authentic means we understand and embrace who we are as individuals and as a team. We show up consistently in all aspects of our life, and everything we do is genuine and based on our true selves. MT Access is about us being human and genuine - at our core we are a group of people who want to help and aren't locked away in an ivory tower or clinging to the billable hour.