Week 5

The world needs good news and local businesses need our support. MT+Co. CEO and Co-Founder Rob Miller has taken time over the last few weeks to share some positivity on social media by highlighting businesses that are doing great things and that deserve recognition.



DAY 29


I’m a diabetic, and while fortunate not to be insulin dependent, I understand the importance of medication to help keep blood sugar levels under control. In fact, uncontrolled diabetes seems to be a major risk factor should one contract COVID - which makes access to insulin and other diabetes drugs very important right now.

Today’s post is a cheat because it’s not a local business, but it’s impactful and important so I’m sharing it anyway. Shout out to Novo Nordisk for making a 90 day supply of insulin free to diabetics impacted by COVID - thank you for keeping people like me safe. Here’s hoping this sets a new bar for other pharma regarding access to critical meds!


DAY 30


Back on day 10, I thanked our friends the Haisla Nation for supporting local healthcare facilities with a $300k donation. Their partner and neighbour LNG Canada has now stepped up and added $500k to that number. Great to see Indigenous nations and the resource industry working together to help ensure the safety of our communities.


DAY 31


It's so easy order the basics from Amazon and have them show up in a couple of days. But many local retailers have scrambled to get ecommerce and home delivery systems/ safe pick-up systems in place. If you want to have a community that includes social spaces (like coffee shops and restaurants) and retail choice (like the funky little boutique down the street or the mom + pop grocer) when we emerge on the other side of this - which we will - we need to support local business despite the convenience of the Amazon crowd.

Under the category of "great idea needed now", Victoria Petriw and Sydney Van Alstyne ran a contest offering Port Moody & Co. branded leisure wear to residents who proudly share their "shop local" activities on Insta. Thank you to these two for finding a creative way to promote local. Slick brand + logo too, btw!


DAY 32


I came across this post from Randy MacEwen, President and CEO of Ballard Power Systems. Two things struck me. First, good on Ballard (a company with strong BC ties and origins) for stepping up and supporting our provincial health services authority with critical equipment. Second, good on Randy for challenging each and every one of us to think critically about how we can help and to make an impact. Motivational leadership by example at both a company and individual level. Thank you Ballard and Randy.


Week 4