
accessible legal support that helps right now


Adjusting to a new normal brings a lot of uncertainty.

We created MT Access to help entrepreneurs and small businesses by providing free resources and affordable fixed-price solutions to urgent COVID and recession-related issues.

You won’t see billable hours here — just relevant and accessible resources to help right now.


 how it works.


1. Review our products.

Our accessible, affordable and fixed-price products were designed based on input from business owners and are about helping the business community in its time of need.


2. Select the products that could help right now.

If one of our products looks like it will help you right now, click on the product and review the details. The product page includes product-specific terms and conditions, timeline commitments and other details.


3. Get started.

If you select the product, you receive a DocuSign document with our terms of engagement, a list of documents we need to see, a Workshare link to upload those documents and a link to our payment portal.


4. Collaborate with us.

Each product follows a tailored process that automates what we can but understands that you and your business needs are unique. You will engage with a real person and you will receive advice that is more than a standard form report — it is tailored for you and your unique circumstances.


5. Receive your product.

We deliver your product in line with our timing and process commitments in our product-specific terms and conditions. There may be issues or recommendations you want help following up on, and our people are here to help with that.


What’s next for our process?

Lawyers are often guilty of seeking perfection at the expense of progress. We are working to automate more of the onboarding process, but thought it was more important to get our accessible and (hopefully) helpful products out to the community. We will be changing this website to improve U/X and increase automation, but bear with us — we’re lawyers, after all, not web designers.


how we’re helping.



to provide you with current information and help you make smart decisions in challenging times

Webinar: COVID Return to Work during BC Phase 2

With the announcement of Phase 2 of the BC’s Restart Plan beginning mid-May, MT+Co.’s Workplace Law Group put together key considerations for employers when planning to reopen their business. They go through the 6 step process outlined by WorkSafeBC and review scenarios based on situations brought to them by their clients.

Recorded on May 22, 2020

An Overview of Government Relief Measures (For Business)

A practical, plain-language and one-stop guide to federal and provincial relief measures for businesses. Our guide also provides insight into what other measures organizations are taking in these uncertain times.

Last updated May 15, 2020

An Overview of Government Relief Measure (For People)

A practical one-stop guide to help individuals understand and access federal and provincial relief measures.

Last updated May 7, 2020


A Guide to Working With Banks to Access Relief

An overview of what you should be thinking about if and when you approach your financial institution for support. This guide includes an overview of government-supported lending programs administered by financial institutions, and some practical do’s and don’ts in engaging with your banker.


Last Updated May 4, 2020

Webinar: COVID A Guide to Working with Banks

Numerous relief programs are emerging for small business owners, and it can be cumbersome to understand them all. MT+Co.’s Business Law + Transactions Group provides concise information on the available programs, and shares their knowledge on the impacts on existing bank loans and things to look for in loan agreements.

Recorded on April 30, 2020

Webinar: COVID Business Disruptions

MT+Co.’s Business Law + Transactions Group and Litigation Group provide guidance on managing business disruptions due to COVID-19. They share practical steps businesses should take immediately, discuss contractual considerations, and review key deal points for ongoing M&A transactions.

Recorded on March 27, 2020


Webinar: COVID Workplace Disruptions


MT+Co.’s Workplace Law Group outlines ways to keep your workplace going and your employees healthy and safe. They also share practical considerations and tips for effective remote working arrangements - catch the great tips from MT+Co.’s Director of Human Resources and Operations!

Recorded on March 20, 2020


fixed-price products

to help you emerge from these uncertain times stronger than ever


Customer + Supply Chain Assessment

Do I have to keep paying suppliers while my own business isn’t at full capacity? Can customers or suppliers under long-term contracts stop paying or delivering? We review your contracts, answer these questions, and provide you with risk-management plan.


Commercial Lease Review for Tenants

Practical guidance for commercial tenants regarding options for seeking relief from their landlords.


Commercial Lease Review for Landlords

Practical guidance for commercial landlords regarding obligations and options to address client requests for rent relief.



Workforce Adjustment Analysis

A tailored analysis of your options to scale up or down your workforce in a manner that best protects your employees in these difficult times.


Financial Relief Review

Working capital is urgent - but loan agreements can have long term implications. We review emergency credit facility documentation from BDC or your financial institution, and provide a concise summary of what the documents mean and our recommendations to better protect you.


Will and Estate Check Up

Entrepreneurs are seeking peace of mind on two fronts: business and personal. Our estate plan health check helps take care of personal peace of mind. We ensure that your plans and documents are appropriate for you and your family today, and deliver a custom report outlining our recommendations.
