Week 3

The world needs good news and local businesses need our support. MT+Co. CEO and Co-Founder Rob Miller has taken time over the last few weeks to share some positivity on social media by highlighting businesses that are doing great things and that deserve recognition.



DAY 17


Today meet Nature of Work and my friend Steve Rio Steve and I have been in a forum (kind of like a really close board of advisors) together for 7 years. He is the visionary founder of Briteweb, a digital social impact agency, and the mindful genius behind Nature of Work. Nature of Work is an innovative mindfulness program designed to help the modern human quiet the noise and thrive in the age of distraction. Steve and Nature of Work are hosting a free master class to help anyone who is struggling with current events cope with all the change, and offer practices, techniques, and routines you can apply in your life immediately. These practices are designed to increase focus and performance, while lowering stress and anxiety. Just what the world needs now. Thanks Steve and NOW!


DAY 18


Today’s shout out is to London Drugs for stepping up to support my little girl’s favourite extra curricular - Sparks (for those who don’t know (like I didn’t) it’s junior Girl Guides. There are obvious challenges with the famous door-to-door cookie sales at the moment. London Drugs is selling Girl Guide cookies in its stores to help make sure this important lifeblood of the organization isn’t cut off. Thanks London Drugs!

“Sparks jump up, and light the fire
Sparks jump up, and give a big cheer
Sparks jump up, the flames grow higher
The Sparks! The Sparks! The Sparks are here!”

(I hear it twice a day and ten times on Tuesdays...)


DAY 19


Today’s shout out goes to the Canucks Sports & Entertainment (CSE) who are great at community outreach in good times and are now stepping up their game in these undercertain times by launching programs that recognize community heroes and support of the COVID-19 relief efforts. Two impactful initiatives - a 50/50 raffle to support COVID-19 relief and Fan Hero Awards to celebrate everyday people stepping up to support their neighbours in this time of need. Thanks Canucks (and, when we’re allowed to play again, Go Canucks!)!


DAY 20


Tru Earth a Vancouver-based eco-friendly detergent company, is donating detergent to help COVID responders and those at risk. So far they’ve donated $150k worth of the stuff to:

  • Vancouver General Hospital

  • Outflow Men's Shelter Crossroads

  • For Women Inc

  • Union Gospel Mission

  • The Guesthouse Shelter

  • Red Door Family Shelter

Nice work Tru Earth - look forward to more food news from you. Thank you for doing your part.


DAY 21


Silvercorp Metals Inc. is a Vancouver-based mining company with significant operations in China - part of a the larger mining company ecosystem that means so much to our local economy. Silvercorp donated 7,000 3M N95 respirator masks, 100,000 pairs of medical gloves, 1,000 protective bodysuits, and 540 goggles to Vancouver General Hospital and Coastal Health to help reduce the significant risks faced every day by front-line healthcare workers in Vancouver-area hospitals as they combat COVID-19. Thank you and nice work Silvercorp!


Week 4


Week 2